02-05-2007 by Helne
And we're back! Again!
Ian J, eat your heart out.
10-08-2006 by Helne
Aaaand we're back!
Those of you who were confused by the hiatus, for shame. You should know Acton is allergic to updating rants, and be checking the forums for announcements. The damn thing might not be good for anything but announcements, but damn it all if the job isn't well done. Regular updates from now on. Pinky swear.
p.s. yes, I know we've been back for a bit. Give the poor bastard a break, doing things is difficult when you've got so many tentacles about to distract you.
06-21-2006 by Helne
Comicgenesis problems are fixed, it seems, and we're back up!
Blame Acton for everything. Server issue? Acton's there with a pair of pliers. Seen a bad movie? Acton told a bad joke in the next room. Relationship problems? he's sleeping with your signifigant other. Right now.
This page marks the end of chapter two. It's in black and white because... Acton broke color. As is our long-running and totally happening often second annual run of filler interlude. Might be a little longer; but then again it might not. Trying to get ahead for keeps this time so missed updates don't hurt as bad.
I'd change the sheets if I were you.
05-5-2006 by Helne
Hey all! Funny story!
There's this magical kingdom in, like, a faroff land. There's like... swordsmen, and sexalacious boy-mages, and unicorns and people with wings and shit! I travel there often, you see, through a magic well in my family shrine. Problem is, they need me to come and save them all with my unique and nonspecific skills. Well, more than usual. You know how those fantasy worlds always need savin. So, like, I'll be taking a hiatus from the comic for the time being.
While I save Narnfeudaljapandiscworldia.
And stuff.
Yeah, sorry. Comic comes back on the 15th.
03-12-2006 by Helne
Back by popular demand: Helne!
I've been real busy with school and school-related things, but I think I've been fairly good about updates. please love me ;_;
I'm pretty jived up, and I'll tell you why for only a low nominal fee. a little while back, the massively gawesome sci-fi webcomic, 'Zap!' had a fancomic contest. I got word just the other day that I won by a decent margin. boost to the ego, woo :3
if you want to see my entry, 'tis right here, but I suggest reading the whole comic start to finish and glancing at the other entries as well. It's well worth the few hours it'll take.
I'm also very impressed with how far we've gone in the Webcomic list- if we can get into the top 100 acton may just become the next messiah and waltz around curing cancer and whatnot. Please vote. You don't like cancer... do you?
01-31-2006 by Helne
Full page tomorrow, sorry about this. still trying to get back into a schedule. you know, cause it was great to being with. >_>
01-13-2006 by Helne
Yeah... not dead. My tools of the trade have been awol for some time. I've more or less got everything back under control, but all I've got for you right now be this filler. Arr. I make no promises, but you can bet a small sum that we'll be back together for the next update. In the meantime, take a look at the site, for which we're still filling out the fun bits. The forums are up (and have been for quite some time) so pop by there and waste some time. Also, when problems arise and no news is on the main site, they're always badly excused there, so next time things are missing, odds are we'll have some crock to feed you there.
Acton tells me we have new readers. Um... Hi! sorry.
10-9-2005 by Helne
I'd like to take a moment to remind ya'll of something. If there's a missed update, or a mistake of some kind, we won't always be able to update the rants to inform you of the cause and/or solutions. Please direct yourself to the forums, as we usually post late notices and things like that in the official sectons. May your pigs be greased and a fine southern wind grace your undergarments.
09-11-2005 by Helne
Hey all! If you've been wondering why there haven't been any blogs, then wonder no longer! Acton had been on the run from the law, so I took over updating the comic in his absence, and he didn't leave instructions on blog updating-ness. All this information and more you could have seen on the forums, but I understand your pitiful mortal flaws. It's ok. I'm sure someone still loves you!
As you may or may not have noticed, today is the day when several years ago the world trade center in new york city was destroyed, killing thousands of innocents in the process. I'm not going to share my thoughts on this event and how the administrating forces in my country handled it and continues to handle 'related' matters, as nothing can be done now that it's happened. I will, however, urge you to donate to some of the katrina relief funds out there on the interweb!
The Classic Red Cross is accepting donations, but if you're feeling like getting something more than moral compensation for your charity (you greedy bastards you), the folks at RedvsBlue are encouraging you to Fight the Flood. I also suggest buying an item from Studio Whipping Boy, as several talented artists (including a favorite of mine, Fireball, the artist of Kagero [caution, probably rated R]) have donated some things. I think some of the more famous comics are showing links to other organizations, and I hate html, so do some of the footwork yourself, dammit!
Have a nice day, guys. Welcome back, Acton. Your stench has been missed.
07-24-2005 by Helne
and thats.
when things.
got really.
07-10-2005 by Helne
zomg pop culture reference D:
and if you don't get the last one, well... think. think really, really hard.
07-04-2005 by Helne
keh.. we've got 5 more pages left in the chapter. I have so much free time now, but I can't seem to do anything constructive with it! BAH!
sorry about this page- I'm still experamenting with different methods of shading 'n highlighting. also, it's a little larger than usual. I lowered the quality as best I could without making it too much crappier, but it still might take a bit to load if you're on dial up or something ancient like that.
06-25-2005 by Helne
sorry folks, late update again. this time, It's my fault and not school's :\
see, first I drew the first half of the page early. letting my guard down, I then lost it. then I found it, yesterday, and then I was held hostage by my friend meghan, and there were man o wars, and.. and it was really scary! and then I lost it(again)... and found it (again). and then I decided I'd finish it all in one day, which led to the very last panel becoming IMPOSSIBLE to do right.
long story short, blame canada, meghan and the pythagorean theorum, okayyy?
new comic tuesday!
*edit made by acton, but original words from Helne. You see, acton doesnt update on time, and it makes it look like its helne's fault, but its all acton's....meh*
bok, here is a filler/reason for last few days for why there was a lack of update....but tommorow there will be a brand spaking new comic. coolness BR<>
*sorry for stealing your blogspace helne....>:D*
06-12-2005 by Helne
my apologies for the lack of updatedness last week, and the lack of coloredness in this page. you wouldnt believe the amount of trouble this one gave me... added to the studying I've gotta do, and the schoolbusses of children I need to devour, things just got pretty busy. I'll be free, free at last this summer! and by free, I mean a slave to my computer.
freedom, ladies and gentlemen. how delicious it is.
on a side note, the blogspace next to mine will be used by people other than acton in the near future! I know we all love how he constantly raves about how him and his psp are better-than-thou- worthy of worship, fanfiction and sacrifices, but sometimes, you've gotta let other people have a turn. weep not, my friends. be strong.
05-15-2005 by Helne
What? no! I-I won't do what you say!
I....I couldnt possibly kill... all of them...
oh! oh god! don't listen to the squirrels! everything they say is a lie!
Tim Schafer is my homedog. go buy psychonauts. right now.
....not buying psyconauts o_O.
05-08-2005 by Helne
Note to self: when someone says "religious reasons", it usually means they're playing their psp...
also, filler. sucks to be you, don't it? I gotta go do fun and exciting thigns for mothers day, and I've got some shcoolwork to take care of that I'd normally do sunday.
happy mum's day!
05-02-2005 by Helne
Sorry about the lateness of the page! Acton had some religious something or other, and me?
I had a calling.
A calling... of pwnage.
....yeah, I sat at home and immersed myself in the japanese culture with a few friends. I borrowed the Versus dvd from a friend. it's almost as good as it was when I saw it in theaters! I highly recommend it, though it's not for those faint of heart. cuz there's blood. heehee!
04-24-2005 by Helne
Whew! that was some vacation, I'll give it that.I managed to get some drawing done, though. I could easily ink and add word bubbles and such on the newest page. however... well, you know how it is. a week without internet, FFXI or games of any kind, and then using what's left of a break to do work? I don't think so. be satisfied with this lovely picture of Jaydler (who, as I have said, will say, and will most likely continue to say, is a guy).
04-15-2005 by Helne
Hey guys, once again, black and white. I'm on vacation by the time you read this, so sucks to be you :p
I'll be back by friday, so don't fret, you'll have more than your fill of Helne soon enough!. The next page will be a filler, but it's a good one :D
04-10-2005 by Helne
Hm. The past two pages have not made me happy. I know it's part of the process... but damn. look at those things.
In any case, you'll notice RTPM is in black and white.
About that... see, the week of the 17th, I'll be off with my dad sacrificing my precious time helping him through his midlife crisis so my sister can spend time with her buddies on a vacation. The next page and the page after that will be in black and white, too. A thousand pardons, but I just won't have time to do three full-color pages. It's either that, or filler. I guess I can take some art days- I have a couple decent ideas... tell me what you think in the forums.
04-03-2005 by Helne
Sorry about the page, guys. I've been having a pretty unbalanced week, and I guess it translated into my art, as well. don't worry about me, though. Helnes are resiliant creatures! I'm almost finished with the site redesign, so be patient!
Also, I'd like to say a word about the recent passing of the pope. But well, I don't really know what to say. I'm not christian, and I'm not even that religious. But he was a good man, and he though he was opposed to several things that I agree with, he was because of his firm religious beliefs, and his dedication to mankind. He had done his best to try and repair the catholic church's image after it's past actions, and more recent ones. He died with dignity, honor, and a lifetime of accomplishments. Rest in Peace, Pope John Paul II.
Say hi to the big guy for me.
03-26-2005 3:29 PM by Helne
Hey all! We're back with a new page!
I know the site still looks gnarly - despite the excellent free template so lovingly offered, for free,- but I'm hard at work at making something that's new,incredibly l33t, and quite possibly infused with a dose of awesome! That was an excellent run-on sentance, was it not?
Oh, and I told you it was ketchup!!
03-20-2005 10:00 PM by Helne
Sorry, guys. I'm mega-busy this week, and there's a lot that I need to do. Unfourtunately, I had no time for the comic this week. I hope you enjoy this filler, though!
Image courtsey of Worldhistory.com.
03-13-2005 9:53 PM by Helne
Hey folks, sorry for the late update! I’ll try not to let this happen again in the future, ok?
*laughter backstage*
hey, feck you acton!
03-05-2005 12:39 AM by Helne
Ladies and gentlemen, I formally greet you to our new website! My name is Helne, and I’ll be doing most of the artwork here, unless otherwise stated. Elsewhere. Really, no one else will be doing the art, but maybe sometimes we’ll sneak something in that wasn’t original. But we won’t tell you. ‘Cause we’re cool like that.
Every week, we’ll be updating a page of this fishstick comic, courtesy of Keenspace, SquareEnix and our own deranged, deranged minds. Over the next couple of months, we’ll be adding new features to the site, such as a creator and character’s page, a new layout, a forum and a sexy and exciting lobster dance! (sexy, exciting and lobsters not included)
Perhaps I should be giving a little bit of background. A long time ago, way back in the year 2004, a small group of pale internet dwellers converged on a Forum. Obsessed with the MMORPG Final Fantasy XI, they decided to create a story involving their characters in wacky situations including, but not limited to, cheesecake falling from the sky, time travel and several large teakettles. Several months ago, their self-proclaimed leader, an incredibly talented and cutting edge of 1337ness artist, decided, in a rush of sugar and children’s Tylenol, that she would make a comic of their story. A Webcomic.
Lo and thus, the internet’s own private joke, RTPM, was born!
Most likely, you’ll be dealing with myself, the uber-cuddly Animeprime, who helps to compact our razzum-frazzums into script, and the ever-loveable Acton, who happens to be our tech guy. Everyone else is a “writer” (i.e. lazy bums who sit about and devour our precious, precious air) and most likely won’t contribute much. As follows: Arke, the amazing flying abstract painting, Trippin, the guy who doesn’t really do anything, and Jaydler, the eye candy.
Of course, we also have our small cult of followers. Ska, our own little piece of emo on earth, Paintballparrot, who generates a definite... odor. There’s also Jakorian, the only person able to don a sailor outfit and make it look cool, and Jjnnyrr, the only one here I’d take a bullet for. And by take a bullet for, I mean politely excuse myself just before the bill arrives after eating several large platters of expensive cheese. Don’t you want to be one of them?
A’course you do! Now read the comic, or make this sad puppy cry. You don’t want to make the puppy cry-
Do you?